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Physical Education at Foxhill

PE in Action

Gross Motor Development in the Early Years


At Foxhill Primary School we are ACTIVE!

We strive for our children to love physical education, active learning and all-round sport. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up inspired to be active and healthy.

At Foxhill Primary School, we aim to ensure that every child has the opportunity to access at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, while covering all aspects of the PE national curriculum. We believe, through experiences and a broad balanced and progressive curriculum tailored to all children, they will continue to have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for their engagement in physical activity, sport and PE.


Our intention is to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE for every child at Foxhill.



At Foxhill primary school we use the physical education scheme of work from PE Hub. This scheme is inclusive, progressive and emphasis is placed on a skills-based approach. Our specialised sports coach, teachers and the structure of the scheme promotes knowledge and competency in motor competence, rules, strategies, tactics and healthy participation. Our PE units are sequenced and progressive and target the 7 fundamental movement skills as well as giving our children exposure to a range of sports.  

In KS1 and 2, we regularly take part in Active Sessions where we get physical for 15/20 minutes. This short burst of physical activity promotes fitness, communication skills, team work and the importance of being healthy. Our Active sessions are set via our Active Session Long Term Plan and occur up to 3 times a week, which adds to our 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

Physical Development in the Early Years

In EYFS and Year 1 our children are regularly active in and outdoors through provision. Our EYFS children have a den and many outdoor areas where they can develop their fundamental skills and their overall physical competency.

Long Term Plan

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