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Friends of Foxhill

Letters 2024/25
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Who we are and what we do...

Who are Friends of Foxhill?
We are a fund raising group made up of parents of children at the school, and school staff. Our main activities are fund raising, holding events for the children, however we do hold family social events as well.

How can I get involved?
If you have a child or children at Foxhill School then you are automatically a member.
There are lots of different ways you could get involved. Please contact Mrs Mitchell if you would like to know how you can help.

What happens at a meeting?
Parents and teachers discuss fundraising ideas, organise events and decide how to spend the money that has been raised. We also discuss things that affect our school community, for example road safety, bad weather procedures etc.

Can I help the Friends even if I can’t attend the meetings?
You certainly can! Just email school and ask to put you on our email list to be sent information/be contacted each
time we have a meeting. You can also help in lots of various ways: coffee mornings, manning stalls at events,
shopping for events, gift wrapping etc.

Email us if you would like to volunteer, FAO Mrs Mitchell:


Fundraise while you shop

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Raise money for school with the easy fundraising app
(or login) every time you shop!

When you search for a cause to support our school is listed as
Friends of Foxhill PTA

Download and read the booklet for information. You can make a massive difference to school funds if you shop on any of the retailers that they are linked with.

Helpers in School

Parent / Grandparent  Volunteers to read these 3 documents and complete the 2 online forms.

Volunteer Acceptable Use Policy

Privacy Notice

Volunteer GDPR Declaration Form

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